This website is no longer being updated or maintained, Please enjoy an archived version. Some functions may not work.


Feedback, questions, problems? Get in touch at

Contributing your collection

If you are a cultural or historical organization and want to join the Boston Public Library, USGS and others and include your stereograph collection on this site, contact us at In order to have your collection included in the Stereogranimator, you will also need to:

  1. Upload your collection to Flickr and tag each photo with "stereograph". We will use the Flickr API to load those images here and allow users to stereogranimate them so those albums need to be publicly visible. Titles and descriptions in the images will be used for keyword searches so make sure they are good!
  2. Provide logo files to be included alongside each of your items, as shown here. Logos should be no larger than 75x25 pixels in PNG format.
  3. We need a collection description (about 1 paragraph), which would appear on the project About page.

Once you have the above, contact us at to get started with the integration.


Are you a stereograph enthusiast who's got hundreds or thousands of vintage stereographs just waiting to be stereogranimated (yes, we're talking to you, Brian May)? Do you have a 3D camera you're itching to try out? Stereogranimator is now for you, thanks to the magic of Flickr!

Here's what you have to do:

  1. Upload your images to Flickr (Stereogranimator will only work with your own photos). You might want to tag them with something memorable.
  2. Allow Stereogranimator to connect with Flickr.
  3. Search for your stereographs in Stereogranimator.
  4. Stereogranimate away on your own creations!

Check out other community stereogranimations.

Oh and have fun!